When there’s a blizzard, I like the idea that everyone is holing up in their homes.
Because that’s what I want to do. But I don’t want to be the only shut-in, because then I feel like I’m missing out.
It sucks when you’ve been huddling inside all day and then someone comes in looking all flushed with exhilaration, stomping snow off their boots and saying, “Oh my god, it’s a-MAZ-ing out!
Too much pressure.
That’s how I feel about this Google Buzz thing.
Whenever something new like that comes out, I hope that it sucks and no one uses it, so I won’t have to, either. But they’re saying it’s going to kill facebook and twitter! Great. I don’t want to be left behind using the dead social media tools. Now if this takes off, I’ll have to learn to use it.
Come on, people, I just got the hang of twitter. Can’t a person ever get comfortable for a while? Like, one whole year?
Can we all make a pact not to use it? That way, nobody’s missing out.
I hear kids throwing snowballs outside. I guess I should get out there and enjoy the snow. Do I have to?
ps. can we talk about that picture – OH MY GOD. SOOOOOO cute! And look at your dad!!!!! Is that a Kepi on his head?! He was a hipster!
I don’t know what you call that on his head. I think he was an unwitting hipster.
so should I try google buzz now?!
can google buzz have one of those amazon-book programs where you get 5 cents for every new person you lead to their site!!!
No, don’t try google buzz. Not unless you’re going to come back and tell me it sucks. Thankfully, the buzz around buzz seems to have died down. Maybe it’ll go away quietly.
I don’t wanna, so I just WON’T.
I tried Plurk, didn’t like it and that was that.
I don’t even have a gmail account.
Iconoclast, me.
i have no idea what this is although i hope it fully replaces twitter so i won’t have to feel bad about never tweeting anything or following anyone. maybe it will make twitter like betamax or myspace or some other newfangled invention that was totally superceded so that i can instead feel superior instead of lazy and old and pretend that with my incredible prescience i merely waited for the better version to come around.
I know just what you mean. I keep finding myself too busy to click that little Buzz button and see what it’s all about.
Alas, it is inevitable I fear. I am a Googlephile at heart and I’m sure they won’t disappoint.
I kind of like it, because it is all connected to my other google stuff. I 100% suck at technology, so there’s less chance of me screwing up if things are hooked together and automated.
Believe me, I know how pitiful that sounds. I have other good quatlities thought:)
I hate when people come back inside from being outside and stomp their boots and say, “It’s a-MAZ-ing out!” I feel SO much better knowing I’m not the only person who hates that!
Remember when Second Life came out and everyone was like, “OOOHHH SECOND LIFE IS THE FUTURE! No one will even have websites or houses anymore they’ll all just live on Second Life.”
And now look.
So, maybe this will be like that.
I’m going to wait out the storm. Once enough people come inside and stomp their boots, then I will steal all their boots and they’ll never find them!
.-= Kelly Parkinson´s last blog ..Why I love guts =-.
Ah ha I spoil the Laura-fest!
I personally like to wait until there’s a critical mass of users already present before I join anything. I just have to ruthlessly choke the “But you’re missing ouuuuuuuuuuut…” whine.
.-= Catherine Caine´s last blog ..5 minute mission: Promote yourself =-.
I knew it was too good to last! No, I kid. Always glad to have your comments.
I’ll bet that even with the delay, you’re way ahead of most people you know. I’m always amused that people think I’m a “techie” because I know how to use twitter.
Yeah, I love the “early majority” chunk of the bell curve (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:DiffusionOfInnovation.png). It’s common enough that most of the bugs are worked out, but I’m still cooler than my parents. 🙂
.-= Catherine Caine´s last blog ..5 minute mission: Promote yourself =-.
Google buzz???? While I appreciate being kept up to date, you have just spiked my anxiety level!!! This is crazy…
Just thought I’d add my two-cents to what’s clearly the Laura-only zone…
Another Laura spoken from! I knew you wouldn’t let me down.
Sorry about the anxiety spike. Anxiety loves company, I had to do it.
Is this the “Laura-only” comment zone? I’m totally with you. The first thing I thought was “oh, shit. Something else to learn.” I’m getting too old for all these newfangled media tools. I long for the days of sniffing glue and getting newsprint tattoos from pasting clips into books. Okay, not really. But damn, could the 18 year olds start messing with video games and porn again so I can catch up?
Well, I don’t want to discourage non-Lauras from commenting, because I’m a comment whore. But let’s enjoy it now while it’s all Lauras, nothing but Lauras.
Yeah, now everyone’s sniffing computer screen cleaner. Figures.
Roeder, I will not make fun of you when I’m 80 or any time before that, because then who else is going to show me how to use these newfangled technologies?
“Whenever something new like that comes out, I hope that it sucks and no one uses it, so I won’t have to, either.”
That made me laugh out loud. You are such a curmudgeon now I can’t wait to know when you’re 80!!!
P.S. I just spelled the word “curmudgeon” correctly on my first try! I bet you will find a way to make fun for me for that when you’re 80 (or now).
.-= Laura Roeder´s last blog ..Marketing for Shy People: How Social Media Can Help =-.