From the maker of Inbox Hero, it's....
Launch Hero!
Email Copywriting Course
for launch sequences
that kick ass (and make bank)

Your ultimate guide to writing emails that make people clamor to your ENROLL or BUY NOW button...like fruit flies to an overripe peach.
"Holy mackerel, the opens and clicks are so so much better than in any of my previous launches!" - Mye De Leon
Want to create that
"Shut up and take my money" moment?
From just your emails?
Yeah you do. Launch Hero shows you how.
Instead of:
- Sending salesy "swipes" that don't sound like you (and get mostly unsubscribes)...
- Sending one or two emails, which get one or two sales, because you couldn't deal with writing more (or were too scared to send more)...
- Launching to a deadly, crushing "huh?" and wondering what your emails were missing...
- Putting off launching or selling anything to your list, ever—who, by the way, want stuff from you!...
Why not learn to write emails that:
Seed interest
Whip up desire
Overcome objections
Get people so excited, they race to buy the second you open the cart
Hook the most resistant, "nope, not gonna buy" readers
Sell more than you ever thought possible...
...leaving your initial "big hairy goal" in the dust?
That's what you'll do in Launch Hero.
CAUTION: Even if you weren't planning to launch or sell anything, you might get so inspired, you spontaneously write a launch!
In fact...This email-sequence method might be
the "how am I ever going to scale" solution
you were praying for.
What it is, in a nutshell:
Mostly PDF-based, It's the all-launch-sequence version of Inbox Hero—here to save you from your launch headaches, guide you through your own lucrative "lazy launch," and give you a simple map from pre-launch, to cart open, to that final, irresistible "last chance"...
To "holy crap, look at the sales coming in, THIS WORKS!"
Launch Hero guides you on:
- The structure, order, and timing of your emails.
- How to create an irresistible story about your product and, more importantly, your reader;
- How to make your sales sequence feel like a can't-put-down beach novel or netflix series, so even the ones who don't plan to buy follow along all the way to the very last cart close email. (SPOILER: They buy in the end!)
The main dish: Three of my all-time top-performing email launch sequences, laid out end to end, filleted open like a beautiful Dover sole, and marked up with insider notes...
...So you can steal all the key storytelling and persuasion techniques!
Plus, the priceless "Bare Bones Lucrative Launch Framework" that's so doable, it'll inspire you to launch something even if you thought you never would or could...
And more!
All rolled into 300+ gorgeous, printer-friendly pages...
But whether it's in a binder or on a screen, this baby's gonna help you print money.
Take a deep dive into these hot launch sequences:

My premiere "Lazy Launch" sequence for Inbox Hero:
all the emails, from start to finish, that went into my *true* 6-figure "lazy launch." (Including a breakdown of the surprise MVP email that spiked sales during the normally dead mid-cart period).

My M*ney Bootcamp affiliate sequence
which—despite not being naturally "aligned" with my brand—beat all the competition and made me the number one affiliate...against partners with ginormous, scary lists!

My famous B-School partner sequence
the version that truly crushed the leaderboard (right beneath 5 all-time giant partners like Amy Porterfield, Gabby Bernstein, etc.) and put 150k in my pocket.
Even if you were smart enough to save all these emails from your inbox and keep them in a "swipe" folder (many Shrimpers do), you won't have them in this annotated form, with the craft broken down so you can replicate it yourself.
Here's more on what's inside...

The Launch Hero Copywriting Course (A gorgeously readable, devour-in-one-sitting series of PDFs)
Over 300 pages of point-by-point, detailed email breakdowns (PDF format, read it on your screen or print it, bind it, laminate it, keep it on your desk for always and give it to your grandchildren. (Who will teleport to you to ask, "What was email, Memaw/ Grandpappy?")

The Launch Hero™ Bare-Bones, At-A-Glance Lucrative Launch Sequence Framework (For An Affiliate Launch, Or Your Own):
A boiled-down, "here's what to say in your emails" template series for the whole launch—from pre-launch to open-cart to "bye bye, last chance"—that you can fill in with your own words.
💥🙏This godsend is already proven to massively drive up your clicks and opens. And so doable, it might ease you into launching before you even know you're doing it!

VIDEO TRAINING: Behind-The-Scenes Secrets To A *True* 6-Figure "Lazy Launch"
This hot little 90-min recorded training is yours to keep so you can go back to it again and again.

The Launch Hero Ultimate Launch Sequence Checklist
Your at-a-glance godsend. So you cover all the emotional bases of a sales-goal-busting launch.
"I predict, LAUNCH HERO will be worth thousands in the bank and hours back into my days as I prep for my next copywriting product release"
- Licia Morelli, Copywriter (and Retired Psychic)
Happy Shrimpers

Wow, Launch Hero is the 

- over 20K in sales!
I used Launch Hero on my Black Friday email sequence and holy mackerel the amount of opens and clicks are so so much better than any of my previous launches! Over 20K in sales!
(I used the Bare Bones Framework, last minute. I wanted to see if I’d get results by just knowing what type of emails I should send. And boom I did.)
- Mye De Leon, Hand Lettering Expert and Course Creator

My best launch ever!
I don't want to brag but I used Launch Hero on my launch of Linked Accelerator 2.0 last month. I had my best launch ever with a handful of "Laura Belgray-style" emails.
It was a combination of Inbox Hero then Launch Hero.
Laura taught me to tell stories and be myself in my emails. I've been engaging my list with life lessons, marketing tips and LinkedIn #FAIL stories. A lot of people reply to my emails and tell me they can't wait for my next one.
My Linked Accelerator course needed a reboot so I started seeding hints in my emails. After a few weeks of teasing, I started an early-bird list and kept seeding. I like to ask questions at the end of my emails and I received some great feedback from my list. I opened the cart for a week and started sharing my client's LinkedIn success stories in the daily emails. I didn't do a dramatic cart close because that's not my style.
Thank you so much for Inbox Hero and Launch Hero. I'm working on my next launch now.
- Ted Prodromou, America's Leading Linkedin Coach

Launch Hero paid for itself immediately...11 times over! (From a list of just 200 ppl!)
I had literally nothing planned on my marketing rollout but I read 3 pages of Launch Hero and got inspired to create my own mini launch. (I'm a by-the-seat-of-my-pants kind of guy.) I didn't even do all the steps. Scanned straight to the 'open cart' and 'close cart' emails in Launch Hero and knocked out 5 of them.
I need to stress this - I skipped THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF THE LAUNCH PROCESS. No pre-launch. I just crammed it all into 5 emails. (Seeing the magic of Laura's emails filleted open got me too excited.)
And yet...
This puppy paid for itself immediately. *ahem* 11 times over. From a list of 200 people. Selling a $150 product. Without bonuses.
Bare bones: I bought Launch Hero, did maybe 3% of what Laura told me to do, and I still made bank. And now I'm seriously considering changing my job title to "Launch Hero". Cause that's how I feel after sending those 5 emails.
Also I'm imagining what'll happen when I say all the things I'm supposed to say, when I'm supposed to say them. (I solemnly swear to read the entire Bare Bones Launch Framework first.) Can't wait to send you that little update 🙂
UPDATE (AS PROMISED): Launch Hero didn’t just help me write a super profitable launch. I became a strategic partner (and brain trust) for my clients, too. Launch Hero refined how I think and defend my copy. It gave me an edge over other copywriters and even my clients in their own business to write what I knew beyond any doubt would work. It truly feels like a superpower to write copy that doesn’t just read well and entertain, but works on SO MANY LEVELS. I know the whole point is to write lucrative launch sequences but truly, Launch Hero is so soooo much more. The principles translate to web copy, one-off emails, bios, and even texts with prospects.So, a year on and I’m still so grateful to have LH (and Your Holy Shrimpness) by my side. Worth every dollar.
- Edward Bell, Copywriter - Words By Hermes

The holy grail of email launching!
Over the last 15 years, I've been the copywriter for launches that have hit 300K and beyond. The truth? It's never an easy feat working on a launch from scratch.
In reality, it's a lot of muddling through questions like, "when should we add in the soft opt-out?" or "what content for pre-launch?" or "how many emails should we send on cart close?" Sure, I've learned a lot through the years, but the reality is when I opened up Laura's LAUNCH HERO, I felt I'd accessed the Holy Grail of launching!
All my launch copy questions and headaches vanished.
If you're looking to write successful launch emails, have a solid plan for your launch schedule from pre-launch to cart close, and you want to stop tearing your hair out at the thought of launching - LAUNCH HERO your the one-stop-shop.
I'll be referring to LAUNCH HERO every day when I'm writing for my clients AND my own launches!
In fact, I predict, LAUNCH HERO will be worth thousands in the bank and hours back into my days as I prep for my next copywriting product release.
The best part? Laura and her team always make sure you're taken care of from purchase to course completion. Have questions? They've got answers.
Bonus: Laura even offers up an FAQ recorded video session to help you get started.
Whether this is your first launch or your 50th, Laura's got you covered. Grab LAUNCH HERO today before it's gone.
- Licia Morelli, Copywriter

Launch Hero will save the day and your next launch.
Learning from Laura is like watching a surgeon perform an operation—she's thorough, precise, and her emails are a launch-saving instrument.
I absolutely loved seeing how Laura broke down her emails from familiar, successful launches. It's a gem to understand the thought-process behind her infamous emails (she's surgical with them, for sure). I'm already filled with ideas for my next launch, and I love that Laura makes the process so easy to follow in your own style. As usual, Laura's teaching is priceless. You will not be disappointed!
- Marietta Gentles Crawford, Writer and Personal Brand Strategist

If you use email to sell anything, you need this in your life!
I loathe writing Launch Emails!
Or any kind of Sales Emails.
But OMG, Launch Hero makes me want to launch! Or go back in time and do all my launches again, using it!
I’ve bought “swipe copy” before and honestly, I’ve written all the emails and scrapped them. They didn’t sound like me.
That’s why I loved Laura's "barebones structure." It allows me the freedom of using my voice but still knowing exactly what to write!
Oh, and she also gives you a complete breakdown of actual emails she's used in her launches, including affiliate launches.
I am actually looking forward to writing Sales Emails using Launch Hero! Wha???
If you use email to sell anything, you need this bad boy in your life.
- Deepshikha Sairam, Biz Mentor + Lead Gen Expert

With Launch Hero, we'll crack the 6-figure mark!
I bought Launch Hero because I KNOW this is going to be a killer program.
Laura's previous Hero programs have taken my email writing game from a pre-spider bite, sad-sack Peter Parker level to a Spiderman-esque savviness.
With her help I've been able to:
- Write eComm email flows that have pulled in $500k+ of passive revenue since May.
- Consistently bump my open rates past 50% and frequently move my CVR into the 10-15% range.
- Help my Online Sales Coach of a wife hit multiple 5-figure launches this year (with Launch Hero, I know we'll be able crack that 6-figure mark).
The next big milestone? I'm striking out on my own as a copywriter next year and Launch Hero is going to help me do it in a way that feels good to me: lazily, almost entirely through email, and with a big payday at the end.
- Scott Sealey, Direct Response & Conversion Copywriter

Blew my mind! I'll be using these strategies.
I went and changed my next email going out based on the Launch Hero pre-launch gold. I finally feel like I have everything I need to know to take my email marketing to the next level. The amount of emails Laura sent in the sample launches blew my mind, and that's despite the fact that I got them all in real-time. I also appreciate the "Bare Bones" run down on the kinds of emails and then in-depth examples—because I often find templates hard to fit into my voice and specific needs. I'm taking it to heart, "why not write another?" And when I do that. I won't feel like I'm making crap shots, but I'll be following these strategies. I'm so inspired to be prolific!
- Cindy Childress, PhD, The Expert's Ghostwriter

It's like having a copy coach in the room.
- Ralitsa Minkova, Conversion Copywriter + Funnel Optimization Architect

My favorite email copywriter!
And I'm not alone. Laura has been dominating affiliate partner launches, beating out the famous name stalwarts of our industry, by out-converting them in a big way. Her writing style is inventive, and (sometimes painfully) honest, and hilarious.
- Kevin Rogers, Copy Chief

I sold 5,000+ book copies in pre-orders to my email list alone using many of the strategies Laura taught.
Launch/Inbox Hero were great resources during my last book launch. I sold 5,000+ copies in pre-orders to my email list alone using many of the strategies you taught. Together, these courses helped me understand the power of email in launching anything. I treated my book launch like a digital course launch and used a well-crafted email sequence for pre-orders (with a deadline) and drafted fun emails to share social proof and build curiosity. And maybe most importantly, your courses helped me get out of the "I need to be subtle and avoid sending too many emails" mindset that plagues so many authors.
- Ozan Varol, Rocket Scientist & Bestselling Author of Awaken Your Genius and Think Like a Rocket Scientist
Unlike any other course, resource, or magic mushroom out there, this deep-dish pizza of email launch learning is going to infuse your brain with these storytelling and selling skills...
I'll show you how to:
- Seed interest
- Whip up desire
- Create urgent "I need that NOW" emotion
- Weave entertaining stories together with compelling sales copy
- Bust stubborn objections (like "I don't have time/ money/ what it takes")
- Get 'em off the fence
- Keep people hooked on your emails even if they don't think they're interested in the product (that can change!)
- Use your early buyers as "word of mouth" evangelists to bring more and more eager beavers to the party
- Create a combo platter of trust and burning FOMO to make buying a no-brainer!

You'll get the answers to:
- How direct should I be in my subject lines?
- How many emails should I send?
- How long should my emails be?
- How much detail should I put into each email?
- How do I keep my whole list from getting pissed and unsubscribing?
- How do I keep these entertaining and story-based but still persuasive?
- How do I show a convincing connection between the product and my own brand, if it seems iffy?
- What mistakes have you (Laura B.) made that you'd tell me to avoid?

My product is making sales...thanks to Launch Hero emails!
- Kisma Orbovich, Prosperity Code Mentor

Every time I buy one of Laura's courses, I make a lot of money.
I've been investing heavily into my agency, every dollar has gone toward hiring or ads. And I wasn't going to get Launch Hero this time around (I told myself I'd wait)...
I thought about it. And every time I buy one of your courses I make a lot of money. So I bought it. Excited to go through it. And excited to see the ROI I get, as I do with all your courses.
- Chris Orzechowski, Email Copywriting Expert

Launch Hero is a life saver!
Writing my asssss off...relaunching my DIY Photoshoot e-book, with Laura Belgray's help. Launch Hero is a life saver! I bought it on Small Business Saturday - because small business is all about sales!
- Layra Marte, Photographer

Laura shows you how to "own" the sell.
Launch Hero helped me navigate the hardest part of writing "sales" emails: that transition from a fun and engaging story to THE ASK! Laura shows you how to own the fact that you're selling something in a way that feels good both to you AND the reader! There's no shame in her game - and I can't wait to approach my new course launch in the same way.
- Sarah Aviram, Author and Speaker

I'm going the smart and profitable "Lazy Launch" route!
I was feeling lost in launch prep overwhelm for my first digital course. After cracking open Launch Hero, though, I immediately felt a sense of relief. As I read Laura’s process for a Lazy Launch, I knew it was exactly the direction I wanted to go. Launch Hero gave me confirmation it was not only okay to use email as my main avenue to launch my course, but a smart and profitable one. I also got all kinds of email-idea-inspiration to move forward with my launch in a much easier and more effective way!
- Sydney Craig, Course Creator
Devour my best email writing secrets to:
Why you should pair this with Inbox Hero
Inbox Hero (with its companion training, Story Hero) breaks down everyday "newsletter" or broadcast emails. Over a thousand Shrimpers have used it to jack up their open rates, get more engagement, and build rapport—the "know, like, and trust" factor that creates sales.
Launch Hero, a much-requested spinoff, is Inbox Hero for launch sequences. Email by email, story by story, line by line, technique by technique, it breaks down the flow and inner workings of a story-based "arc" of emails that SELLS.
Not planning to launch anything? This may still be your ace in the hole for making a living from your emails. See the FAQ's below!

So much value! I immediately implemented the techniques into my launch sequence.
- Rosh Smunt, Copywriter

I'm a British, reserved, introvert. (ie, not a salesperson.) I need this help to get a tsunami of sales.
Having been a past purchaser already (Inbox Hero - rocks!) - I also grabbed Story Hero - and for Launch Hero was hoping for more of the same sort of thing as Inbox Hero in terms of layout and notes from you - but of course with a Launch twist...and this hasn't disappointed.
I am British, reserved, Introvert etc: all the things that make me a less than pushy salesperson - and it's one of the main reasons why my products thus far haven't hit the sales level I want. I mean - who can buy if you whisper in amongst lots of free stuff that you've got a product on sale...in 1 single email (yes - really!).
I need this push. Over the past few months I've been working on my signature product (a decluttering course) which of course I want to launch well - with more of a tsunami of selling than my usual ripples.
SO - I've dived in - and am already feeling more positive about my upcoming Launch in January - I've got time to prep some amazing emails. But NOW I have the structure, the vibes, AND the approval to write as many emails as I want to, to get the job done.
And you *have* to learn from the person who got you (usually a firm hater of parting with money and being sold to) to buy their course from their own Launch emails, don't you!
It's empowering - so I thank you!
- Chrissy Halton, Owner of organisemyhouse dot com

All the marketing and psychology...Launch Hero is gold!
all the marketing and psychological concepts behind those emails—and everything that makes the copy meaningful.
And you get all of that packaged in a pretty
bow, in Launch Hero. I've already learned so much.
- Victor Fajárdo Sanchez, English Teacher

I have a secret fantasy where I earn half of my annual income from affiliate launches.
I love writing funny, engaging emails. I don't love creating online courses. Making money selling other people's stuff is my ultimate lazy-preneur fantasy.
Problem is I've felt too overwhelmed by the process to seriously consider becoming an affiliate for anyone. I haven't had the time or energy to figure out how to make affiliate launches part of my revenue stream. That's why I've never shared this secret fantasy with anyone...
Until Laura F-ing Belgray created Launch Hero!
I couldn't wait to get my hands on Launch Hero. It's everything I thought it would be and more. Honestly, most online courses I've purchased take a bajillion hours to complete and leave me with more questions than answers. Launch Hero delivers a comprehensive yet succinct roadmap you can use to take action on your next big idea right now.
I sacrificed a couple of trees to print this bad boy and spent the weekend highlighting, post-it-noting, and brainstorming how I could apply these strategies to my next launch.
Yep, I started Launch Hero thinking I'd use it for future affiliate launches... but it was SO GOOD that it inspired me to launch my own high-ticket offering THIS MONTH!
I seriously would not have done this had it not been for the clear, actionable, and inspiring guidance I found in Launch Hero.
Bottom line? You need to buy this product. Seriously. You'd be stupid not to... and you're not stupid. You need Launch Hero in your online business arsenal. You can thank me later!
- Maegan Megginson, Burnout-Proof Business Consultant

Pure gold! When I heard "6-figure lazy launch," I was sold.
I’m launching a new product soon, and the idea of creating another webinar, endless fancy automations, and landing pages was doing my head in. As soon as I heard how Laura did a "lazy launch" for Inbox Hero, and that it was included in Launch Hero AND that it made her 6 figures, I was sold!
Inside your member's area you get a framework PDF for the overall flow of your launch emails with "fill in the blanks" where you choose exactly what emails you want to use and how many. Then you get Laura's exact emails, including images, she used for her 3 launches. What I love is the notes she includes for each email - pure GOLD right there and worth the investment just for those insights.
I have been building websites and sales pages for people since 2009 and I have seen it getting harder and harder for people to get results with their launches. I think this is because of all the "swipe files" going around. Not only are some formulas outdated, but many people just sound the same now. That is not what you get in Launch Hero. Think of it as a "paint by numbers" for emails - you have the formula but you put in your flair.
I recommend it for anyone who's overwhelmed when it comes to launching and wants to stand out in a very noisy marketplace.
- Heather Porter, Founder, Website Love

OMG Laura, thank you for sharing your years of expertise and experience with me!
What I love the most about Launch Hero is how relatable, understandable and actionable the content is. You make everything feel so easy! You provided us with the entire sequence, so all we have to do is apply what you laid out to our personal launch. With practice, anyone can achieve a successful outcome.
I was always petrified and a bit skeptical about sending so many emails to my network but looking at what you do and how you do it makes it less daunting.
I’m excited for my launch. I can’t wait to get started!
- Ariane Tavakol, Personal Reinvention Architect

Thank you, Laura. You just made my life—and launches—easier (and more profitable!)
Confession: As an email copywriter who helps clients with launches, I'm always on the hunt for the best launch emails on the market. And no one does launch emails better than Laura Belgray (just ask my Visa card—I buy everything she puts out). In the past, I would print out her launch emails and study them like an eager freshman in college. How did she announce the launch? Which email in the series did she talk about objections? How many emails were in the sequence? How did she use stories? How many emails did she send the day of cart close?
Then I opened Launch Hero—and now my guessing and late-night study sessions are over. Laura not only hands over the structure of the emails, but she also gives you a breakdown of the inner workings of her brain in respect to each email (and there are a lot of them!)
Launch Hero—$499. Access to Laura's brain—Priceless.
- Brenna McGowan, Email Copywriter & Content Strategist
"What if I'm not launching anything?"
And other FAQs
Q: I already have and love Inbox Hero. Do I really need Launch Hero? What's the difference?
Yes, you do, if you want to get to say "I make a living just from my emails."
Here's the dif:
Whereas the original, Inbox Hero, shows you how to nail it with all different kinds of everyday emails...
Launch Hero, its spinoff, focuses specifically on the art of the high-converting, drool-generating, bank-making launch sequence.
It shows you how to craft a sequence that primes people for your product, course, program, etc. and gets them to hit "buy now."
You'll get to pore over my best-performing, most lucrative email sequences—laid out end to end, email by email, split open and notated...So you can steal all the key storytelling and persuasion techniques!
I already have and love The Copy Cure!
Is this different?
And the answer is YES! 100% different.
And, as with everything I create, it's a perfect complement to The Copy Cure.
Launch Hero is a high-level deep dive into compelling, personable, and persuasive email launch sequences.
It's done on the page (along with some video components), so you can see the emails on one side and my notes on them on the other.
There's no overlap in content with The Copy Cure, except that you'll see the fundamental writing techniques from The Copy Cure (like "show, don't tell," cutting the word bloat, using "you" to snap readers to attention) brought to life in new ways, right in the emails I make over.
Q: What if I don't have anything to launch?
Oh, watch out! This course might make you change your mind. You might even end up creating your first mini-product so you can try it out!
The way Launch Hero eases you into launching is kind of the way you learned to ride a bike. It gets you going...and then you don't even know I let go, and you're doing it! You're launching!
Q: How long will Launch Hero take me to complete?
First of all, other than the "Lazy Launch" presentation, which you'll get mid-December, you get instant access to the whole course. It's not a dripped-module training.
So you can binge it in one sitting, or you can course it out over time. How long that takes you depends on how fast you read, and how thoroughly you take in the notes, and whether you take action as you go.
You might pore over a couple of emails and immediately run off to write an email to your list, or to change up a sequence you'd already planned out.
My prediction: You'll be inspired to get writing in between bouts of learning.
Prepare to create, create, create. And sell, sell, sell.

My favorite thing is when people who are geniuses at what they do, do the thinking for me.
And that's what Laura does with Launch Hero.
After a tiring 4-day weekend chasing after my toddler, I had big plans to map out my launch sequence and get my email ducks in a row. I was feeling energized in only the way a mom who finally gets a break from her kid does. Well, my nanny called out last minute, and I got nothing done unless you count singing Wheels on the Bus 117 times. (With choreography.)
By the time I could actually get to work it was after bedtime and I was feeling super bummed out...until I dove into the Bare Bones Launch Sequence Framework. What I had planned to spend a whole day working on was basically done for me. An hour later, my launch content was mapped out. Thank you!
- Frenchie Ferenczi, Strategy Consultant

Thank you, Laura Belgray, for putting this magnificent beast into the world.
If I had Launch Hero in my back pocket when I started my business, I'd probably be a millionaire by now. It’s, in a word, genius. In fact, that's exactly what I kept whispering to myself when I first went through it: "genius."
Launch Hero is what I didn't know I needed and now what I can’t imagine living without—a highly adaptable, step-by-step framework for offering value to your subscribers while also generating excitement, a magical combination that creates trust and a whole heap of sales.
I’ve invested *a lot* of time and money into other course creation and launch trainings, and I’ve never come across something as thorough, practical, helpful, and yet also FUN to go through as Launch Hero. It’s in a class of its own, and worth every penny."
- Christie Chisholm, Copywriter & Creative Consultant

What a relief! I predict I’ll have a wildly successful launch using Launch Hero!
I’m a self-employed musician/dancer, and I’ve had an email list since email was a thing. After years of struggling with my open rates, I found Laura via her “Non-sucky Subject Lines” freebie. As soon as I started implementing her methods, my fan engagement shot up and I started to get more replies than ever. Like, by a LOT.
With my first digital course launch coming up in January, I can’t wait to dig in to Launch Hero! There are SO many moving parts in launching a course, and I’m beyond relieved that figuring out what emails to write and when to send them has been taken off my plate.
Laura provides you with clear step-by-step plans for sequence, timing, and pacing, plus how to communicate in a way that doesn’t come across as pushy and salesy, all with her trademark humor and sass.
I would recommend Laura hands-down regarding All Things Email. She’s shown me how to be my authentic self and inject my quirks, personality, humor, and values into my writing in an accessible way that I haven’t encountered anywhere else. As I send out my weekly missives, I can tell from the responses that the people on my list are being converted into raving, loyal fans. (One fan even told me that my emails had been “the highlight of her COVID existence!”)
I can’t wait to launch with Laura by my side, and I predict that I’ll have a wildly successful one using the methods I’m learning in Launch Hero!
- Carla Glover, Kentucky Songstress & Inspiring Educator

Exactly what I've been searching for!
A year ago, I searched for help on launch emails, and there was nothing I could find.
Secretly, I watched Laura launch several mini-courses and affiliate launches over the year in hopes to piece the launch process together.
Now that she’s released her latest course, Launch Hero, I have:
💌 A layout.
💌 A plan.
💌 Inspiration to drive more success for my business.
My advice: If you're an online business owner? Buy it.
- Linda Sidhu, Quiz and Lead-Generation Expert

Subtle sales psychology in every email!
Oh Laura’s launching something? Sold. I knew I had to have Launch Hero before I read her emails about Launch Hero. And isn’t that the point? Truly, nothing surprised me about how much she DIDN’T hold back. This course covers everything. The over-the-shoulder look at affiliate launching makes me excited to get in the game (and come up as a top affiliate.) My favorite part? Her genius subject lines, and subtle sales psychology in each email. I can’t wait to write more “gotta have it” emails with Laura in my back pocket!
P.S. The PS’s were the cherry on top I didn’t know I needed.
- Katie Pannell, Copywriter for Creatives

What an absolute Belter!
What an absolute Belter! FYI - that’s a word us Brits use to describe something that is absolutely brilliant!
Launch Hero took away all of the pain of launching my new quiz course and replaced it with a big dollop of joy.
Laura’s easy, accessible and fun way of sharing her immense knowledge has delivered yet another must-buy course.
Just get it.
- Heather Carr, Owner of Kill It With Quizzes

Launch Hero has already busted through one of my biggest myths
I Love Laura's offerings - they help me be a better writer, be more authentically me without shame (for realz) and thus take better care of my community by giving them top-notch writing/stories/emails. Launch Hero has already busted through one of my biggest myths - that more emails means you're hassling your list and won't result in increased sales. I'm so excited to play with this and bring even more value to my community when I'm launching my next life-altering, consciousness-uplifting offering.
- Kristian Strang, Bestselling Author & Spiritual Guide

it only took 16 seconds into the welcome video to know that I'd made the right decision.
So, I just got my hands on Laura Belgray's Launch Hero & I'm wicked excited!
Straight facts ---> when I did a recent, enthusiastic email unsubscribe marathon - Laura was one of the few left standing. No matter how many emails she sends, I still read every single one of them. Even when I know she'll be selling me something I might not want, need or that I already have. I still read every. damn. One.
Why? Because 1) She's funny AF, 2) She's a super smarty-pants, & 3) She's earned my trust by giving me content that nourishes like a good hearty meal my Nana used to make - rather than leaving me feeling both underwhelmed & overstimulated like most marketing emails do.
So when I opened up Launch Hero, it only took 16 seconds into the welcome video to know I'd made the right decision. When I heard her say, "This is going to help you with any launch you do (OK Laura, so far so good)... but then she dropped those three magical words to my writer's ears... "A Lazy Launch". Ooohhh, lord have mercy, can I get an Amen?!
I've already downloaded the PDFs & I'm printing those pages out right now like it's CASH MONEY (ha!) to put in my orange TALKING SHRIMP binder. Yup, I've got me a bonafide LAURA BELGRAY binder.
There's even a picture of her on the front and that sucker is jam packed with all the other awesome stuff of hers that I've bought... like Inbox Hero & Story Hero because in 2021 I'm not messing around. I'm kicking "lazy launch" style, writing emails and spreading the love simply with my words. I already know that this is going to be a game changer. I hope it is for you, too. Xo
- Karen Kenney, Spiritual Mentor, Writer, Speaker, Storyteller

Can't beat 41.7%-50% conversion rates! Thank you, Laura Belgray.
Website? ✔️
Social media posts? ✔️
Facebook Ads? ✔️
Email Copy? F@$%!!!!!
Days away from launching my new Rebel Profits mini-course-- at my busiest time of year. And I had ZERO plans for what I'd write for the boatloads of emails I needed to send.
With my kryptonite staring me in the face-- a white page with the blinking cursor of death --I reached for my copy of Launch Hero and skipped straight to the "Bare Bones Launch Sequence Framework."
This handy dandy guide came to my rescue, and I was able to whip off THREE humorous emails with the EXACT message I needed in less than an hour. You can't really beat a 41.7% - 50% open rates.
Thank you Laura Belgray. You're my Launch Hero.
- Brittany Love, Brand Strategist + Resilience Coach

I couldn't believe it: people started registering RIGHT AWAY!
Launch Hero has saved my tush more than once. I’m a natural writer, but felt so LOST when it came to writing a launch sequence. Launch Hero gave me the exact formula I needed to put my writing skills to good use!
I just wrapped up my first launch for The #Authorgram Accelerator Workshop yesterday, and I couldn’t believe it when people started registering RIGHT AWAY.
I also used it for two clients who were selling courses over the summer, and I kept getting the same comment from both of them. “People keep saying they’re loving the emails.” Hold up, WHAT? Who “loves” sales emails!? What a trip! I recommend Launch Hero for anyone whether you’re just starting out or a seasoned marketer. Laura’s the queen of email marketing, and I love to learn from the best!
- Karen Happel, Instagram Coach for Authors

With a small list, high conversions are crucial. Launch Hero helped me crush it!
I snap up anything Laura Belgray offers. There's not a single thing she's created that hasn't made me a better writer.
I've had 3 successful launches so far, and used Launch Hero for every single one.
My list is relatively small, so high conversions were crucial to my success and Launch Hero helped me crush it!
The best bit is knowing I have this resource I can turn to again and again. Every launch I find something new and I love that I can just easily scan through to find what I need. My advice—get it now even if you're just thinking about launching!
- Susan Reoch, User Experience (UX) Copy Expert

My first 6-figure year for my courses, using Launch Hero. Woohoo!
Even though I don't do live launches anymore (my courses are now evergreen) I have used all Laura's templates to craft all my emails. I always find great nuggets of inspiration in her products. When I'm stuck for what to say, the first thing I do is open Launch hero.
What are the results? This year was my first 6 figure year for my courses (woo hoo!) - I hit that mark in October. Over the last 4 years, I've helped nearly 500 people across the country and around the world to design their gardens through my classes. I am on track to double that over the next 18 months.
- Rochelle Greayer, Landscape Designer & Founder of PITH + VIGOR

I used Launch Hero for my posts. It resulted in more sales!
Launch Hero demystifies launching and I learn better when I laugh which I did frequently. I used the course to change my posts - I followed the sequencing on social media channels and it did result in more sales! I appreciated actionable education that is laid out clearly and concisely because I too am lazy and don't like reading bullshit!
- Michelle Wolff, Human Design Specialist & Forest Reiki™ creator

It's de-stressed my launches.
My big Launch Hero takeaway is one word: REASSURANCE.
I don't freak out when I send more than 5 emails per launch.
I'm much more relaxed about emails leading up to a launch. I no longer want to impose a strict structure and am much more okay with "seeding" the topic for a longer time instead. Which, in turn, gets me more feedback along the way that helps me tweak the launch content on the way there.
Okay, two words. Reassurance and CLARITY.
Knowing when to send emails with casual subject lines, and when to hone in on the information.
Launch Hero has allowed me to introduce an element of chill and de-stress my launches.
- Adam Dobay, Company Director at Cabbit Supreme

Launch Hero lets you launch with ease AND have fun learning.
Laura takes launches to a whole new level. Instead of being miserable with the traditional launch process, you get the secrets behind a "Lazy Launch" that still makes bank. If you're ready to launch with ease AND have fun learning, then Launch Hero is for you.
I’ve seen results thanks to using her tips and advice in my client work. And I can't wait to use all I’ve learned to launch my Better CX course.
- LeAnn Reyes, The CX Strategist

*Tiny* list, 5-figure launch. It's pure gold!
- Bobbie Gentili, Owner of The Geeky Bobbin & Biz Coach for Craftpreneurs

A freakin' epic resource.
I can get in my head when planning out and writing launch sequences. All of the indecision, overanalyzing, and self-doubt! Bleh. But Launch Hero is a freakin' epic resource. I can just meander through some of Laura's proven sequences anytime I get stuck and voila! No more second-guessing and stress cleaning for me!
- Sammy Musgrave, Copywriter

I'll never launch without it!
Before I sell anything I always go back to Launch Hero. It breaks down buyer psychology, when to send what, and how to make sales sequences your own all through well explained examples. I love it and never launch anything without it. Laura's da best!
- Tina Hnatiuk, Life Coach, Yoga and Mindfulness Teacher

easy to tailor to your own product and style
Launch Hero, like all of Laura's products, demonstrates principles that are both easy to follow and easy to tailor to your own product and style. More importantly for me, they are also entertaining, Laura-style, and that makes them memorable. This makes her teaching so much easier to integrate in my own writing!
- Shlomit Tassa, Business Coach
Who is Laura Belgray?
Laura Belgray, founder of Talking Shrimp and co-creator of The Copy Cure, is a copywriting expert who helps entrepreneurs and personal brands find the perfect words to express and sell what they do.
Essentially, she helps you get paid to be you.
You'll find a Google search for "Laura Belgray" and "world's best copywriters" yields many results. Not that Laura has ever Googled that.