Get opened. Get read. Get paid.
Talking Shrimp's®
Inbox Hero®
Email Copywriting Course
Emails are your most powerful tool for getting your audience to pant, drool,
and joyfully fork over fat cash for everything you sell.
Here's how you can INSTANTLY sharpen yours.
Imagine being able to crank out emails that...
- Stand out from all the dreck (and even the very best stuff) in someone’s inbox
- Build lasting know, like, trust, and hot business lust in your subscribers
- Get readers reaching, even running for their credit cards
- Position you as a leader and an authority — no wait, a GOD
- Get people so excited, they open your messages the second you appear in their inbox
- Pop with personality and riveting stories from your everyday life...in a way that brings clear value to your reader
- Prove so dangerously entertaining that people walk headfirst into poles while reading them....But even with temporary brain damage, they’ll remember one thing: YOU.
Here's the makeover-style
email marketing course...
...That'll get you thinking like a swift, brilliant email copywriter.
(Just by soaking up the glory of before-and-after email examples -- over 100 pages' worth!)